TMUX Commands


Create a new session

tmux new -s <SESSION_NAME>

See any existing sessions

tmux list-sessions

tmux ls

Attach to existing session

tmux attach -t <SESSION_NAME>

Make all windows the same size

Ctrl+b THEN Alt+2

Add new tmux window vertically

Ctrl+b THEN Shift + @

Add new tmux window horizontally

Ctrl+b THEN %

Detach from current session

Ctrl+b THEN d

Kill current session


Highlight text to copy

Option + click and drag

Install and configure TMUX

Install tmux
sudo apt-get install -y tmux
git clone https://github.com/tmux-plugins/tpm ~/.tmux/plugins/tpm
Create new session
tmux new -s <SESSION_NAME>
You have to start a session first before these config options exist
tmux show -g | sed 's/^/set-option -g /' > ~/.tmux.conf
vim ~/.tmux.conf
  • Change mouse to on globally

set-option -g mouse on
  • Change mouse to on for current session

tmux set -g mouse on

Last updated